StupidVideos is pleased to announce the StupidVideo contest, a great way to make stupid money.

Use the form below to submit your original video. Original means that it's your video, not something recorded off TV or taken from another website. If we post it, you will receive a StupidVideos t-shirt. Each week, the best video will also win $100. Each weekly winner advances to compete for the yearly grand prize of $10,000!!!

Before submitting your video please make sure:

1) You are the original author or owner of the video.

2) The video that you're submitting is actually funny and interesting.

3) The video and audio quality is good.

Please submit your video one time only.

You need to be a logged in to submit your video! If you have a login, then log in at the top of the site.
If you don't have one click "Get a Free Login" to get your free StupidVideos login.